
Social Icons, Ajax Search, Forms and Show Posts are all added using a hand­ful of well reviewed plugins. 


Cre­at­ing com­pelling Woocom­merce Sites just got even eas­i­er with Gen­er­atePress Pre­mi­um 1.8.

The Single Post

Cat­e­goris­ing post to cre­ate guides, how to’s and fea­tured con­tent is a great way to boost your shops pres­ence. The sin­gle post head­er and sin­gle post has been designed to do just that. With cus­tom hero title, excerpt and post nav­i­ga­tion. 100% dynam­ic all you need to is add content. 

The Home Page Content

The home page con­tent is built using the Word­Press 5 Block edi­tor a.k.a Guten­berg. It uses only Core Blocks and Woocm­merce Blocks. And as would be expect­ed a lit­tle CSS has been thrown in. 

Custom Theme Styling (CSS)

90% of Merchs design is achieved with the Gen­er­atePress cus­tomiz­er and built in mod­ules. The oth­er 10% is through cus­tom func­tions and CSS.